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Things change and sometimes not to a man’s favor. But can a man care less when the mere glimpse of you means his soul being drawn into the rain like a child playing in the midst of the gods and his heart being thrown into the mists of a cold winter morning where wolves dance with the lambs? This is the case all the more with junkies. What I’m referring to would be those addicted to the lachrymal nature of life. But you can make your life much better by focusing on what makes you physiologically and mentally happy. Nothing can be more agreeable than the premises of Reality Junkies promo code when it comes to that realism.
Many things are impossible. But those tears from her beautiful eyes water the grave of every brave man who has fallen in honor of his irreverent king. It matters not what the most erudite will say, for the mere thought of her can change daylight into a storm and destroy every word that a poet pens upon the sands of time into the sadness of a hero who has saved his fellow men but has lost his heart to the only woman he loves. Every man is indeed a hopeless romantic and nothing can be truer than that.
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